Completed Build: MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom

MG Gouf Custom MS-07B0-3


At long last, my MG Gouf Custom project is done. This was my longest build by far, taking about a year, on-and-off. I was ambitious and aimed for a fully customized build with USB-powered LEDs, scratch built parts, custom paint, grated meshes, and metal details. I learned many things on the fly and hopefully with my next project I will be much more efficient.

Also, I have started an Instagram account; feel free to check it out for future WIPs and builds: @yulongsgunpla

Here are my work in progress posts leading up to this completed build.
Tools and materials used should be adequately described above, but here's very simplified methods summary:
  • Snap-build, remove nubs, clean seams
  • Scribe custom panel lines and add surface details
  • Create clearance for USB internals
  • Prime with Mr. Surfacer 1500
  • Inner frame:
    • Airbrush with metallic lacquers
    • Seal with gloss acrylic topcoat
    • Enamel wash
  • Outer Armour:
    • Airbrush base colours with lacquers
    • Handpaint small surface details with enamels
    • Seal with gloss acrylic topcoat
    • Apply waterslides
    • Apply enamel chipping effects
    • Sealed again with acrylic topcoat
    • Enamel wash + real touch marker washes
  • Lacquer matte topcoat
  • Pigment weathering
  • Metal details


The Gouf Custom has that brutal look to it, so I elected for a battleaxe. 
MG Gouf Custom MS-07B0-3

The LEDs were totally worth the effort, though the placement will be re-evaluated on my next build. 
MG Gouf Custom MS-07B0-3

Back thrusters are LED-lit as well. The bronze inner frame details show up nicely
MG Gouf Custom MS-07B0-3

Detail shot of the shield.

Head details 

 Leg details and weathering to mimic rust and soot.

Shoulder and chest details. The scratch-building went a bit overboard here; I got a bit burnt out.

I usually pose my kits a lot more, but this old kit's articulation is very limited. I didn't attempt to modify the joints in this kit. The Gatling shield is also very heavy and needed a stand to prop it up.

Going for the look when Norris Packard's suit emerges from the broken bridge in the 8th MS Team anime.

Pilot figure painted with enamel

Final thoughts:

I'm overall really happy with completing this build. The colours, custom details, and LED effects turned out really well. 

The articulation of the kit though, leaves much to be desired. I'll have to build more kits to understand how some of the newer kits are articulated.

The mesh effects that I was going for to showcase the detailed inner frame didn't show up very well with my silver-painted meshes. They also didn't cement to the plastic as they were not made of styrene. I will probably avoid using the mesh next time. 

Installing the LED was not easy. I did not leave enough clearance for the joints, and needed to go back and make adjustments repeatedly. I probably should have planned that out a bit more carefully beforehand. 

The holes I made for the metal parts were also at some parts not large enough; leading to very tight fits, and had to be adjusted. 

I think the lesson is to pre-fit everything and double check the clearances before painting. This way, the final assembly will be stress-free and you won't put your paint job at risk. 

Thank you for reading, on to the next build!
